Thursday, February 26, 2009
She's Still She's Still Angie From the Bronx!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Domino Magazine, Plese Explain

Domino was pretty comprehensive for young decorators. With colorful covers and gorgeous places they captured my attention and now its all gone...
In an e-mail interview, Grace Bonney, editor of the popular Web site DesignSpongeOnline.com, called Domino “one of the few magazines that spoke to young women who loved their homes as much as their closets or makeup.”
Please tell me why magazines and newspapers are suffering in this economic time. The one thing i faithfully spend my money on is being taken away from me. I am severly pissed, sad, and disheartened by the folding of Domino Magazine. It makes me wonder...Who's next? Where is my money too? What about my 9 months paid up? They need to spread some information already! I found these pics of the staff of Domino Magazine having a farewell party^ WTF. Who does that. They look so jolly too. Im not as pleased as they seem to be...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Balenciaga Spring RTW 06
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Blogger Awards!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentines. Want a LIttle Tid BIT?

source in red: http://www.prairieghosts.com/valentine.html
Team Wayfarer NYC Interview

age- 17 at the end of this month
area/hood- east & downtown
What do you love most about the city? I love that there's always something new, exciting or interesting going on. Also, because I'm such a huge music fan, it's great that my favorite bands will all come here to play a gig eventually.
What is the one place that everyone should go to at least once? Hmm, that's tough. My favorite touristy spot is probably 5th ave in the 50s. That's the cliche "5th Ave" area. And the east south corner ... of the park is nice too. Other than that...I can't help but say St. Marks place in the East Village. It's one of the original punk spots of the city that's been transformed into a tragically hip parallel of Canal Street. (basically, they sell the best fake sunglasses and trendy stuff like that) By the way, never buy anything on Canal.
How would you describe the city? A New Yorker? Frank wasn't kidding when he said it never sleeps. Seems to me that tourists think New Yorkers are rude. Not rude, rushed...so pick up the pace! haha. We're usually polite. If you want to take a picture of someone in front of the Bloomingdales, it's fine, people will wait or walk around.
Is there a store for record or music that you would reccomend? I went to a Born Ruffians gig in Brooklyn once- at a record store called Sound Fix (or Soundfix maybe) that had a great selection of stuff in the front and a bar/mini stage in the back. It was way cool. In Manhattan, there's always some free promos at the Cake Shop right under Houston St. The Virgin Megastore (on 14th...not Times Square!) has every CD. You're not the same after going in there. So much stuff. Members of The Strokes usually are seen in there too, also Agyness, since they all live in the East Village.
Fave Food joint? Always seem to end up at Haru on Park in the 20s. Small, good, kinda expensive sushi chain. That, and Pinkberry. And soup/scones at Whole Foods, Union Square.
Museum? MoMA all the way. I have a membership card and love going. Modern art, Andy Warhol, the photo floor, architecture models...it's amazing every time.
Store? I'll always love Urban Outfitters and Forever 21, Screaming Mimi's for vintage- Lafayette at 4th.
How would you describe yourself as a ny'er? No idea!
How would you describe street style in NYC? It depends where you are. Very polished and expensive uptown, cutting edgier downtown...but under it all, there's a certain amount of practicality since mostly everyone walks everywhere and winter is annoying cold sometimes.
Where can someone see a celeb? All over! I saw Zac Efron in Columbus Circle once, my mom saw Julian Casablancas from The Strokes on 10th and B'way once. (I will always hate her for it too until I meet him haha) Saw Andy Samberg in the west village outside of Magnolia Bakery and then Scarlett Johansen. Caroline Kennedy in midtown...my list really goes on. Mostly soho I think...west Bleecker. Hard to say.
Any advice about the city? If you're visiting, take just a day or two seeing the touristy spots. Spend your time wandering around soho and the villages with a map. I think the little places you'll find are more meaningful and memorable. Please don't wear a fanny pack.
Photo Cobrasnake
Monday, February 9, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
parkereloise: new yorker interview

age: sixteen.
what is one thing you do every trip to the city: besides buy magazines? hmm eat pizza! and ride the subway. haha i think its fun, i'm lame...i'll live
what describes a new yorker: haha people from the city are really cool, i think i can tell who they are by how they walk down the street and dont look at anyone and aren't dressed up because it's not like a big deal to them.. and they walk fast. i like to walk slow, haah i am easily distracted. and i like to smile at people, especially good looking boys. new yorkers don't really do that i don't think.
favorite eatery: serendipity. haha i always go there! or balthazar my dad used to take me there for breakfast like all the time. and ellen's stardust diner. it's like completley a totally lame tourist thing but they sing and i'm obsessed with it
hang out spot: haha i dont have one really now but me and my friend used to go to this weird restaraunt every weekend practically or madison square park i guess you could call that our hangout.
what piece of advice would you give to a visitor of the city: hmm. don't be afraid to act like a tourist, take a bunch of pictures, be embarrasing. you're never going to see any of these people again who cares if they mock you!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
parkereloise.blogspot.com go there or be square

O look Parker I got us VIp passes to Coachella! - by Kinky Kate Does NYC on Polyvore.com
Parker is like too cool for skool if you guys didnt know. She is this totally amzing new yorker who is like seriously cool. Guys, if you love NY, then you will like parker im telling you! I'm going to start doing a weekly new yorker post and she will be the first, if she will have it! Seriously check out her blog and her polyvore profile- PARKERELOISE!!! (btw, i made this set for her bc she put me on her blog and i was completly flattered!!)